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Lina Lamont in “Singin' in the Rain” in Salzburg

From December 2, 2023, Niniane will be seen in the role of Hollywood diva Lina Lamont in the musical classic Singin' in the Rain in Austria.

See the press release below:

“Singin’ in the Rain” is a great interpretation of the Musical. These Hollywood films with spectacular performances will be included in the best films of all times and regularly appear in the Top 10 lists of the best films of all times.

This is the golden age of Hollywood: Fans are besieged by their friends who are talking about their TV shows and end up reading new stories, who are boulevards since they are full of stories about stars and stars. But behind the walls of the Traumfabrik, everything is not always as shiny as it shines.

Don Lockwood (Ramesh Nair) and Lina Lamont (Niniane Everaert) have been since the great film stars in their time and the movie couple. Abseits des Kinos allthings hat Lockwood at all no Gefühle für signals Co-Star. Auf der Flucht vor aufdringlichen Fans Power Don't miss the Bekanntschaft of the young Schauspielerin Kathy Selden (Julia-Elena Heinrich), and there quickly Interested. But don't forget your career, as well as a technical innovation that is part of the film foundation – the film. The Problem: Linas Stimme is not a matter of course, a large number of publications would be published. Who knows, Kathy Selden has a talent for speaking and singing.

The film musical "Singin' in the Rain" from the year 1952 is from the Hollywood of the 20s and 30s. The music of Nacio Herb Brown (1896–1964) and Arthur Freed (1894–1973) stems from the great tenth of their time and the knowledge of Betty Comden and Adolph Green from their own handiwork, which is the life of the production process.

Simon Eichenberger was rewarded with the German Musical Prize. Die Tänzerin Dominique Brooks-Daw wird die berühmten Tanzszenen für die Stage gestalten. Tobias Meichsner, der neu ernannte Zweite Kapellmeister am Landestheater, übernimmt die musikalische Leitung. Musical star Ramesh Nair is like Don Lockwood to experience.

Inszenierung: Simon Eichenberger

Musikalische Leitung: Tobias Meichsner

Choreography: Dominique Brooks-Daw

Stage: Charles Quiggin

Costume: Aleš Valášek

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